Sunday, 24 October 2021

Phylogenetic reconstruction of relationships of the Australo-Papuan parrots

 Phylogenetic reconstruction of relationships of the Australo-Papuan parrots using the Bayesian criteria and the 27 taxa and eight loci used in the Secondary dataset. Posterior probabilities are indicated above branches; values of 1.0 or 100% are indicated with asterisks and values below 0.7 or 70% are not shown. Images of birds painted by Frank Knight reproduced with permission (see Acknowledgments). The species depicted, from top to bottom are shown approximately to scale, and are: Pezoporus flaviventris, Neophema elegans, Psephotus dissimilis, Melopsittacus undulatus, Loriculus galgulus, Psittacella brehmi, Eclectus roratus (male, left and female, right), Micropsitta finschii.