Monday 1 July 2024

Song of White-capped Water restart

If you are looking for white-capped redstart song, one of the most beautiful bird songs ever. This isalso known as the white-capped water redstart (Phoenicurus leucocephalus), is a symphony of nature that will captivate your senses. In this video, we explore the natural habitat of the White Capped Redstart and capture its enchanting song in high-quality audio. Whether you're a bird enthusiast, a nature lover, or someone looking to relax to the sounds of nature, this video is perfect for you. Immerse yourself in the serene and melodious world of the white-capped redstart. I captured image at Malam Jabba in Swat valley. White capped redstarts are typically found near water streams. The iridescent colors are mesmerizing.

Tuesday 11 June 2024

Really the Greatest Player?


Is he the greatest player? Grant Golden, a tennis player who has been exposed to world-class tennis from time to time, asked me if Tilden "could do all the things they said he could." When I assured him that he certainly could, I wasn't exactly contradicted, but I was viewed with a jaundiced eye and a shake of the head, along with mutterings about Budge, Kramer, and Gonzales. I have a great deal of admiration for all the champions, past and present, and while Tilden and I were usually at odds, I gained a very healthy respect for him on the court—more so than for anyone else I ever played or saw.
My first experience with Bill came early in life. My parents had taken me to Boston to play in the National Boys' Championships. Anyone who has played in this event knows that it is the biggest thrill in a youngster's life. I was beaten in the semi-finals by a boy named Sagalowsky from Indianapolis. This defeat shattered me. It was shattered even more when Tilden announced to one and all that Lott would never be a tennis player, what with his Western grips, bad match-play temper. Naturally, this endeared Tilden to me considerably, an endearment that lasted all through my tennis career. I mention this incident to suggest it to people. appraisal of Tilden's tennis game is not based on personal likes but on facts and observations.
Greatest Asset
Tilden's greatest asset was his ability to produce one big shot whenever he needed it. If he had to make the point, he made it. He had a lot of "ham" in him and many times he created situations just so he could pull out the big shot to the oh's and ah's of the crowd. Only once did he fail in this scene-setting; he had the art of his. At Wimbledon, Cochet won two sets to one and was toying with the Frenchman. Tilden knew King Alfonso of Spain was due for an appearance in the Royal Box, and he decided to fool Alfonso around until His Majesty arrived. After all, Tilden reasoned, there was a better place for him to display his great talents than the Center Court at Wimbledon. He was on stage, and Royalty was to see him perform. King arrived during the fourth set in time to watch Tilden lose in the fifth. Cochet caught fire, and Tilden lost his touch. This was the only time that Tilden set the scene for himself to star and was unable to take the winner's bow. He did it many times before and after, but he always regained his concentration and touch.
By Royal Courtesy!
Once, I was playing Tilden in the final of a Florida tournament. He had beaten me many times before and by now I had learned that the best way to get along with him was to be agreeable and to do nothing to irritate him. In this final match, we were on friendly terms, and therefore he wasn't turning on the heat in particular. I reached the match point. I knew that Tilden and I 'both knew' he would win this point and go on to win the match. This may seem like a weak attitude on the part of any opponent who reaches match point, but Tilden was so dominant and had so many answers to every situation that you knew you had reached match point only by royal courtesy, and any further privileges would now be withdrawn. I knew this, but I served, advanced to the net, and made a mid-court volley. Tilden the ball into the net. The court had been re-lined during the second between the third sets, and Bill had slipped on the line as he was about to hit the ball. This was the first time I had ever beaten Bill, and while I was on Cloud Nine, I completely forgot about slipping him the needle a few times. keeping on his good side. What a mistake! 
Treated Like Neophvte
The next week at Augusta, we met again in the final. The reporters had given me a big build-up, and I must admit I believed some of it. With the newsreels on hand, I was given a luxury lesson in what must have been the shortest match on record. And I played just as well as I had the week before! Furthermore, I was the third-ranking player in the country and I had been treated like a neophyte.
I played two more matches against Tilden that year. In the National Clay Courts, I reached the final through wins over Manuel Alonso, B. I. C. Norton, and Howard Kinsey. I got to 5-4 in the fifth against Tilden, with the game score 15-30 on Tilden's service. I hit a forehand as hard as I could and it landed in Tilden's backhand corner about a foot from the sideline and the baseline. I was on my way to the net when I saw a white blur go by me. When the shock passed, I realized he had hit a half-volley drive from the baseline to pass me cleanly. This is the equivalent of being in a fight, hitting your opponent with a forceful punch, and having him grin at you.
Left Flat-footed!
The other shot he made against me occurred in the Southampton Invitation. I had beaten Lacoste to reach the final and played very good tennis. This match went to 5-all in the first set and 30-all on my service. We had a back-court exchange and I advanced to net on a forehand to Bill's forehand side-line. I anticipated his down-the-line return and angled crosscourt very sharply to his backhand side, thinking to myself that I had the big stiff this time. It turned out that I anticipated the hit on his forearm—he wasn't the only one. As soon as he hands down the line from his backhand side,. In the meantime (11⁄2 of one second), I had moved a down-the-line, leaving the smallest across to backhand, covering an opening for him to hit a crosscourt backhand if he were lucky enough to reach the ball. You guessed it. He reached the ball on the full run and hit it crosscourt, threading the needle. I stood there flat-footed, talking to myself and to anyone else who would listen.
George Lott "While Tilden and I were usually at odds-end," says the author, "I gained a very healthy respect for him on the court—more so than for anyone else I ever played or saw."

Greatest Player 

Was Tilden the Greatest player?

(Courtesy: World Tennis).

Tuesday 16 April 2024

White Throated Kingfisher Food

Food items, preying and feeding activities of white-breasted Kingfisher, Halcyon smyrnensis were studied from September 2008 to September 2011 at Nikunja-1 in Dhaka City Corporation area. A total of 16 species of food items were recorded from the observation. Fishes (more than 60%) were mostly preferred item. The highest preference was fry of Labeo rohita (30.6%). They highly preferred the species belonging to the Family Cyprinidae and Order Cypriniformes. The length of the food items varied from 2.0 to 12.3 cm. Surface dweller species (85.8%) was highly preferred. During preying, they used 0.3 to 2.25 m height, among which the highest preference was 0.9 m (32%). H. smyrnensis targeted the food items before catching while they took 9 sec to 15 min 17 sec. After catching they either engulfed the prey immediately or hold it at their beak for 2 sec to 30 min 30 sec before engulfing. Bamboos found in the water body were mostly preferred (65.9%) as perching places during preying. 

Read More: White-throated kingfisher Facts

white throated kingfisher food

The remains of a Roman fortlet have been discovered in West Dunbartonshire.

The remains of a Roman fortlet have been discovered in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland. New technology has enabled the archaeology team at Historic Environment Scotland (HES) to uncover the structure after attempts to find it failed in the 1970s and 1980s. The fortlet once stood next to the Antonine Wall. Its buried remains have now been uncovered in a field close to Carleith Primary School in Duntocher, Clydebank. 

Read More: The Ancient Skipness Castle of Scotland

The remains of a Roman fortlet have been discovered in West Dunbartonshire.

Saturday 16 December 2023

Sergey Grigoriyev, adopted and raised a bear cub.

Sergey Grigoriyev, a Russian man, adopted and reared a bear cub in 2014. After four years of bonding, the bear rejected its food and ate Sergey instead. When police went to his house after his relatives reported him missing and the bear on the loose, they discovered his "skeletal remains."

Sergey Grigoriyev, a Russian man, adopted and reared a bear cub in 2014. After four years of bonding, the bear rejected its food and ate Sergey instead. When police went to his house after his relatives reported him missing and the bear on the loose, they discovered his "skeletal remains."

Wednesday 13 December 2023

Centralia, Pennsylvania, a former coal mining town, has been burning for almost 60 years

With coal supplies beneath the town, the fire could burn for another 250 years. Centralia, Pennsylvania, a former coal mining town, has been burning for almost 60 years. The town council burned a landfill in 1962 without realizing it connected to underground mine shafts, which ignited a coal seam that is still burning. Pennsylvania spent $7 million trying to put out the fire before giving up in the 1990s. Despite the risks, about five people still live there. Centralia’s population has declined from 1,000 in 1980 to five residents in 2020

Centralia, Pennsylvania, a former coal mining town, has been burning for almost 60 years


Tuesday 5 December 2023

Freedom of Birds

Nature's Symphony

The melodious songs of birds contribute to the natural symphony of the world. This section explores the role of birdsong in nature and how freedom quotes capture the harmony embedded in their calls.

Birds in Nature's Orchestra

Birds, through their songs, create a harmonious background in natural settings. Their melodies evoke a sense of freedom, and quotes that highlight this aspect celebrate the contribution of birds to the earth's symphony.

Quotes Reflecting the Harmony of Birdsong

Freedom quotes that focus on the musicality of birdsong emphasize the connection between freedom and the beauty found in nature. Such quotes evoke a sensory experience, transporting readers to the heart of the bird's natural habitat.

Metaphors and Analogies

Metaphors and analogies play a crucial role in conveying the depth of meaning in freedom quotes. This section explores the use of bird-related metaphors and analogies that enhance the impact of these quotes.

Use of Bird-related Metaphors in Quotes

Metaphors involving birds often draw parallels between their actions and human experiences. These metaphors add layers of meaning to freedom quotes, making them relatable and thought-provoking.

Analogies Depicting Freedom through Birds

Analogies that use birds as symbols of freedom provide readers with tangible images that enhance their understanding of the concept. This section presents some compelling quotes that employ bird-related analogies to convey the essence of freedom.

The Language of Feathers

Feathers, symbolic in many cultures, add another layer of meaning to bird freedom quotes. This section explores the cultural significance of feathers and quotes that highlight their role in symbolizing freedom.

Cultural Significance of Feathers

Feathers have held cultural significance across civilizations, representing everything from spiritual connections to the freedom of flight. Quotes that delve into this symbolism offer readers a deeper understanding of the multifaceted nature of bird freedom quotes.

Quotes Highlighting Feathers as Symbols of Freedom

Incorporating feathers into freedom quotes elevates the imagery, emphasizing the delicate yet powerful nature of freedom. These quotes invite readers to contemplate the symbolic importance of feathers in the context of liberation.

Conservation Messages

Beyond symbolism, bird freedom quotes can also carry messages advocating for bird conservation. This section explores quotes that encourage awareness and action for the protection of these majestic creatures.

Quotes Encouraging Bird Conservation

As habitats shrink and species face threats, freedom quotes can become a powerful tool for raising awareness. Quotes in this section not only celebrate the freedom of birds but also urge readers to take an active role in preserving their habitats.

Raising Awareness through Freedom-Centric Quotes

By intertwining the concept of freedom with the urgency of conservation, these quotes serve as a call to action. They inspire individuals to consider the impact of their choices on the freedom of birds and the overall health of ecosystems.

Freedom Quotes in Art

Artists have long been inspired by the freedom and grace of birds. This section explores the depiction of birds in visual arts and the role of freedom quotes in inspiring artistic creations.

Depiction of Birds in Visual Arts

From paintings to sculptures, artists have sought to capture the essence of birds in their work. Quotes that complement these artistic representations offer a deeper understanding of the connection between freedom, art, and the natural world.

Quotes Inspiring Artistic Representations

Freedom quotes, when paired with visual art, create a synergy that resonates with audiences on a profound level. This section showcases quotes that have inspired artists to explore the theme of bird freedom in various mediums.

Capturing the Essence in Photography

Photography, as a visual medium, can also be a powerful carrier of bird freedom quotes. This section explores the impact of quotes on bird photography, enhancing the viewer's experience and connection with the subject.

Photography as a Medium for Freedom Quotes

In the digital age, images accompanied by poignant quotes have the power to evoke emotions and convey messages. Quotes that complement bird photography serve to deepen the viewer's appreciation for the beauty and freedom captured in each image.

Impactful Quotes Enhancing Bird Photography

A well-chosen quote has the ability to transform a photograph into a narrative, providing viewers with a context that extends beyond the visual. This section presents examples of freedom quotes that elevate the impact of bird photography.

Freedom Quotes in Social Movements

Birds have not only inspired artistic endeavors but have also become symbols in social justice movements. This section explores the role of birds in movements advocating for freedom and equality.

Birds as Symbols in Social Justice Movements

From civil rights to environmental activism, birds have been adopted as symbols of resilience and freedom. Quotes originating from these movements reflect the strength and determination associated with the fight for liberation.

Quotes Fueling Social Change

Freedom quotes born out of social movements resonate with a call for change. These quotes inspire individuals to stand up for justice, drawing parallels between the flight of birds and the collective striving for a better, more liberated world.

Famous Quotes and Their Impact

Certain quotes stand the test of time, becoming ingrained in popular culture. This section analyzes notable bird freedom quotes, exploring their impact on society and their enduring relevance.

Analyzing Notable Bird Freedom Quotes

Examining the words of influential figures and renowned authors, we unravel the layers of meaning within famous bird freedom quotes. These quotes have left an indelible mark on the collective consciousness, shaping perceptions of freedom and birds.

Influence on Popular Culture and Society

The reach of powerful quotes extends beyond literature and art, permeating popular culture. This section explores how famous bird freedom quotes have influenced societal perspectives on freedom, nature, and the interconnectedness of life.

Birds in Popular Culture

Birds have become fixtures in various forms of entertainment, contributing to their cultural significance. This section explores the incorporation of birds in movies, songs, and literature, accompanied by memorable quotes.

Incorporation of Birds in Entertainment

From animated characters to iconic songs, birds have left an indelible mark on entertainment. Quotes associated with these cultural representations provide insight into the enduring appeal of birds in popular culture.

Memorable Quotes from Movies, Songs, and Literature

Whether it's a classic novel or a blockbuster film, certain quotes featuring birds have become iconic. This section presents memorable quotes that have become intertwined with the cultural portrayal of birds in various media.

Expressing Freedom in Everyday Life

Freedom quotes need not remain confined to lofty ideals; they can become a part of everyday conversations and personal philosophies. This section explores ways to incorporate freedom quotes into daily life.

Incorporating Freedom Quotes in Daily Conversations

Casual conversations offer ample opportunities to infuse a touch of inspiration. Quotes that seamlessly integrate into everyday discussions can serve as reminders of the freedom we seek in our daily pursuits.

Making Freedom a Part of Personal Philosophy

Beyond casual conversations, freedom quotes can become guiding principles in shaping personal philosophies. This section encourages readers to reflect on the quotes that resonate with them and consider how these insights can influence their perspectives on freedom.